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Русификатор на Game Maker 8
[ Скачать с сервера (370.4 Kb) ] 07.01.2010, 15:31
Русификатор на GameMaker 8, переводит весь интерфейс программы, кроме библиотек с командами. На них русификатор возможно появится позднее
Категория: Мои файлы | Добавил: Teethy | Теги: Game Maker, Game Maker 8 rus, Русификатор, RUS
Просмотров: 37869 | Загрузок: 4153 | Комментарии: 59 | Рейтинг: 4.0/20 |
Всего комментариев: 121 2 »
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Mathews saw the function of the GROOVE system as being a compositional tool which the composer/conductor manipulates in real time: "The composer does not play every note in a (traditional) score, instead he influences (hopefully controls) the way in which the instrumentalists play the notes.
For example, the command.
The model parameter set Оё for a power spectrum containing K harmonic structures is therefore represented as Оё = k = 1, В· В· В· , K, 11 Chapter 2 Literature Review Ојk = Ојk , В· В· В· , Ојk + log n, В· В· В· , Ојk + log Nk , k k k wk = w1 , В· В· В· , wn , В· В· В· , wNk , k where Ојk is F0 of k-th harmonic structure in the log-frequency scale and wn and Пѓ are weights and variance (that is assumed here as a constant) of the respective Gaussian distributions.
The following two examples illustrate these theories for the consonance between two frequencies with small integer ratios.
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